Includes delivery, set up, pick up!
Hippo Chow Down
Product Description
Get ready...get set...time to chow down!
Hippo Chow Down is guaranteed to keep everyone laughing for hours! This is a 4-player bungee tug-o-war style game that involves speed, strength and agility. Object of the game: once the game starts, each of the 4 players races from their back wall to the pond of balls in the center of the game to retrieve as many balls as possible, and return them to the mesh bag at their starting wall. Once all of the balls are chow’d down, the player with the most balls in their bag is the winner. (Game comes with 25 balls)
- $675 for 3 hour rental
- $175 per hour for each additional hour
- Includes 3 Jump Party Texas attendants
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