Rat Race Hamster Balls

//Rat Race Hamster Balls

Rat Race Hamster Balls


Includes delivery, set up, and pick up!

Interactive games are the perfect addition to any outdoor event! 100% fun guaranteed.

Product Description

The Rat Race includes a large 75 ft two-lane track and 2 giant human hamster balls! Wood chips, hamster wheel and water feeding bottle not included ๐Ÿ™‚

This interactive game is the perfect way to combine fun and healthy activity, and will add entertainment and excitement to any party or event! Kids of all ages will enjoy the exciting aerobic activity while staying focused on having FUN all day long and be entertained for hours on end! Make them smile! Rent today!

  • $695 for 3 hour rental
  • $175 per hour for each additional hour
  • Includes 3 Jump Party Texas attendants

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